Maret 7, 2025

Bhgplc – Panduan Lengkap Tentang Struktur dan Peranannya dalam Masyarakat

Pemerintahan merujuk pada organisasi yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan negara

Beginner Want to Take Part in Running a Marathon?

Marathon races are becoming popular. Unfortunately, a number of running matches held in Indonesia were marred by tragedy. Take a peek at important preparations before running a marathon

Marathon races are becoming popular. Unfortunately, a number of running matches held in Indonesia were marred by tragedy. Last November, one of the 2018 Borobudur Marathon full marathon participants died.

The previous month, a participant in the 2018 Electric Jakarta Marathon in the 5 km group also died. He collapsed in the third kilometer. Police revealed that the participant died due to a heart attack. There are a number of things to consider before and during a running event. Anything?

It should be remembered that not everyone can run 42 km. To be able to cover that distance, you have to practice running 5 km first. Sports medicine expert from Premier Bintaro Tangerang Hospital, Hario Tilarso, explained that humans are basically only able to run 30 km.

The world record for the fastest marathon running time is currently 2 hours, 1 minute. Those of you who are not professional athletes will need twice as long. That is why marathon participants are given 5 to 7 hours to cross the finish line.

“To take part in running a marathon, those of you who are not professional athletes must train at least 3 months beforehand. The first month is the heaviest. The maximum distance covered each week is 170 km. If divided into 6 days, in the morning you must run at least 10 km, in the evening run another 10 km. For those of you who have never participated in a running competition at all, I recommend taking part in a 5 or 10 km running event first. “According to my observations, it usually takes participants 50 minutes to 1 hour to cover a distance of 10 km,” said Hario in Jakarta, last week.

In order to perform well in the 5-10 km lap, you must practice running 70 km in the first month, then 80 km in the second month. Towards the third month, reduce the training load because the body needs rest. After training for running, it is recommended that you train twice a week. “The goal is to strengthen the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks,” said the doctor who also teaches at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Hario said that 29-30 percent of deaths during running, cycling or football matches were caused by heart attacks. “In the medical dictionary it is called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or enlargement of the heart muscle, specifically the left component. “This can be detected with an electrocardiogram (EKG) examination,” he said.

Unfortunately, in Indonesia, ECG examinations for athletes and marathon participants are not yet commonplace. “Even abroad, when a soccer athlete changes clubs, for example, he is asked to undergo an EKG test to determine whether his condition is optimal,” said Hario.

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